From Russia with love. Letter from Ira & Olya Sundukovy about S+S (Sundukovy Sisters Design) ®

    From Russia with love.
    Letter from Ira & Olya Sundukovy


    March 28, 2020

    Dear colleagues, partners and friends,

    It’s hard to overestimate the impact that COVID-19 pandemic is having on all spheres of our lives and the level of debilitation all of us are experiencing at this point.

    Besides the fact that this pathogen is a challenge for people’s health and the global health system, it’s also a serious hardship for most businesses, with the hospitality industry and design community as no exception.

    Our love and support go out to all those who have confronted the COVID-19 pandemic wave and those who are boldly fighting against it. It is surely a smart choice to self-isolate at this point as well as a unique opportunity to go in and explore your inner world instead of going out. Try exploring your own dreams and memories and use this chance to discover new verges of your own personality and hidden talents you would have never thought you have.

    Stay positive and practice compassion and care towards yourself and your loved ones! Now is the time to stick with each other with mental wellness no less important than physical.

    Sundukovy Sisters

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